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da terra

См. также в других словарях:

  • Terra Nova (TV series) — Terra Nova Genre Drama Science fiction Action Adventure Adventure fiction Family saga …   Wikipedia

  • Terra Preta de Indio — Terra preta L oxisol (à gauche) et la Terra Preta (à droite) La terre noire (terra preta en portugais) est un sol anthropogénique (c est à dire d origine humaine) d une fertilité exceptionnelle due à des concentrations particulièrement élevées en …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Terra preta — (“dark soil” in Portuguese) refers to expanses of very dark, fertile anthropogenic soils found in the Amazon Basin. It owes its name to its very high charcoal content. It is also known as “Amazonian dark earth” or “Indian black earth”. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Terra Securities scandal — [ Terra Securities] The Terra Securities scandal was a scandal that became public in November 2007 and involved highly speculative investments by eight municipalities of Norway in various hedge funds in the United States bond market.Mark Landler …   Wikipedia

  • Terra Networks — S.A. fue la filial dedicada a contenidos de Internet y portales de Internet del Grupo Telefónica de España. Fue fundada en 1999. A mediados del 2004, Terra Networks, en su junta de accionistas, decidió integrar todos sus activos y filiales dentro …   Wikipedia Español

  • Terra (cómic) — Terra Personaje de DC Comics Primera aparición (Tara Markov) New Teen Titans #26 (1982) (Doppelgänger) New Titans #79 (1991) (Atlee) Supergirl #12 (2007) Información Nombre …   Wikipedia Español

  • terra — / tɛr:a/ [dal lat. terra ]. ■ s.f. 1. a. (con iniziale maiusc.) (astron.) [il pianeta abitato dall uomo, il terzo dei pianeti in ordine di distanza dal Sole: la T. gira intorno al Sole e intorno al proprio asse ; la superficie, il centro della… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Terra Branford — Personaje de Final Fantasy Primera aparición Final Fantasy VI Información Edad 18 Estatura …   Wikipedia Español

  • Terra — may refer to:In astronomy: *The Latin, Catalan and Portuguese name for the planet Earth *Terra (satellite), a research satellite launched by NASA in 1999 *In planetary nomenclature, terrae are extensive land masses found on various solar system… …   Wikipedia

  • Terra nullius — (English pronunciation IPAEng|ˈtɛrə nəˈlaɪəs, Latin pronunciation IPA2|ˈtɛrːa nʊlːˈiʊs) is a Latin expression deriving from Roman Law meaning land belonging to no one , nobody s land i.e. empty land , applying the general principle of res nullius …   Wikipedia

  • Terra Nova — or Terranova means new land or new earth in Latin, Galician and Portuguese. It can refer to: In geography: Newfoundland (island), the island portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Terra Nova, Newfoundland and Labrador, a… …   Wikipedia

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